Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Movie Review Iron Man 3

  In Malibu California, Tony Stark has insomnia and over 72 hours he develops the new prototype MK42 of the Iron Man armature. He also recalls events in 1999, in Bern, Switzerland, when he had one night stand with the genetic scientist Maya Hansen that was researching a regenerative process and made fun of his fan Aldrich Killian on the New Year eve. There are explosions in Los Angeles and the terrorist Mandarin assumes the attempts broadcasting through television. When Tony's bodyguard and friend Happy Hogan is seriously wounded in an explosion, Tony Stark challenges Mandarin and gives his address to him. However, three helicopters attack his mansion and he loses everything but his prototype, and he awakes in the Tennessee. Tony tries to make work the defective prototype and soon he discovers that the event from 1999 is connected to the present terrorist attacks.
  • Robert Downey, Jr. as Tony Stark / Iron Man:
    A self-described billionaire, genius, playboy and philanthropist, who is one of the founding member of The Avengers, and is famously known as the super-hero Iron Man through high-tech suits of armor of his own invention.
  • Gwyneth Paltrow as Pepper Potts:
    Stark's girlfriend, long time associate and personal assistant. Potts is a victim to the Extremis experiment and gains superpowers until she gets surgery to remove Extremis from her body.
  • Guy Pearce as Aldrich Killian /Firebrand: The main antagonist of the film. He is the creator of The Extremis Virus. Only in this film, he will become just like Mallen and fight Iron Man at the docks.
  • Rebecca Hall as Maya Hansen: A botanist, Stark's former girlfried, and the creator of the Extremis Virus. Hansen worked for A.I.M. alongside Killian.
  • Jon Favreau as Happy Hogan: Tony's good friend and his former personal bodyguard. He reprised his role in Iron Man 3.
  • Ben Kingsley as The Mandarin / Trevor Slattery: A supporting antagonist of the film. Though traditionally the Mandarin is portrayed as Iron Man's arch-nemesis in the comics, he will be portrayed as the leader of the Ten Rings to cover up Killian's "experimental" explosions.
  • Ty Simpkins as Harley Keener: A precocious 10-year old boy who helps Tony in his mission to find and stop the Mandarin.
This is very good superhero movie, and everybody will like the Armor-Suit of Iron Man which look very cool.

The Next Leader (Speech Text)

Hello. My name is Muhammad Raditya Dwiprasta from XI-1 Science major. And I'm running for Student Council. Promise less Do more is words that did you ever hear, and that words are my goal if I become Student Council. You might be saying to yourself , "Should Raditya really be the Student Council?" , maybe I'm not active before but in that condition i can find some plus minus in our school.

I have identified some crucial issues that need concerted
1. Problems in terms of entry and break time
2. Environmental hygiene problem
3. Difficulty of adjustment to the lessons

If I'm elected to become Student Council I will fix that issues
1. Entry time wont made too early, and break time will be longer (Agreement from School Headmaster) 
 Reason: Student can more concentrate if they fit in school
2. There are some community service "From student, For Student, By Student"
 Reason: if the facility hygiene student will more concentrate
3. Ask the teacher to more slowly when teach
Reason: If teacher teach slower, Student will get more than before

And if I'm elected to become Student council i will make some program to channel your aspiration.

So do you want some change or deterioration?

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Question (Inspirational Story & Report)

1. What is class of Tarsius tarsier?
     a. Mammalia
     b. Aves
     c. Pisces
     d. Primates
     e. Vertebrata

2. Where is habitat of Tarsius tarsier?
    a. Tropical Forest
    b. Near Sea
    c. Bamboo Forest
    d. Low Mountain Forest
    e. Tundra

3. Below is characteristik of Tarsius tarsier, except...
    a. Small Body
    b. Stocky Body
    c. Short Fingers
    d. Soft Fur
    e. Long tail

4. What is pharagraph 2 tell about?
    a. Classification
    b. Tarsius's Habitat
    c. Tarsius's Prey
    d. Tarsius's Predators
    e. Tarsius's Appearance

5.  What is pharagraph 5 tell about?
    a. Classification
    b. Tarsius's Habitat
    c. Tarsius's Prey
    d. Tarsius's Predators
    e. Tarsius's Appearance

Inspirational Story

1. From the text we know that the father has a character...
    a. Emotional
    b. workaholic
    c. Loving family
    d. Wise
    e. Bounteous

2. Where the story setting?
    a. Office
    b. House
    c. Toy Store
    d. School
    e. Boy's Room

3. 'Father was dumbstruck', dumbstruck has the same meaning with...
    a. Shocked
    b. Happy
    c. Sad
    d. Amused
    e. Satisfied

4. Why the boy want want to borrow Money from Father?
    a. He want to buy a toy
    b. He want to go with his friends
    c. He want buy an hour of his Father time
    d. He want to buy some snack
    e. He want to go with his Father

5. What is the Moral Value from the text?
    a. Family is important
    b. We must work hard every day
    c. Don't buy any toy
    d. Be a forgiven person
    e. Don't waste your money

Monday, April 21, 2014

Inspirational Story

There was a farm, where lived farmer John with his wife Molly. They hold pigs, cows and many animals in their farm. Also there lived a little mouse.

One day the mouse looked throught small crack in the wall and accidentially saw how the farmer was opening some package. The mouse was curious what food may it contain and discovered that it was a mousetrap.

The mouse was determined to run around the farmyard and warn all the animals regarding the danger.

First of all he met the chicken. „There is a mousetrap in the house!“ - the mouse declared with despair. But the chicken answered with indifference: „It doesn‘t concern me, as this is a danger for you, but not for me. It cannot bother me“.

Then the mouse raced to the pig and the cow and told them about the mousetrap. But the pig and the cow where not impressed too. They said that there is nothing to about this and promised to pray about the mouse.

Sad and depressed, the little mouse returned to the house.

In the night the farmer‘s wife Molly heard a sound of a mousetrap. She hurried to see what was in it, but due to the darkness she did not see that it was a poisonous snake, whose tail was caught by the trap. Suddenly the snake bit Molly.

The farmer rushed with her to the hospital. Later, when they returned home, Molly still had a fever. John remembered that it is good to treat a fever with chicken soup, so he went to his farmyard to bring the main ingridient, the chicken.

Whereas Molly‘s sickness continued and many friends came to visit her, the farmer butchered the pig so he could feed all the visitors.

Unfortunatelly, As time went by Molly became weaker and weaker and one day she died. Many neighbours, relatives and friends have arrived to the funeral. John had to slaughter the cow to feed all of them.

The mouse has been watching all that was happing with great sorrow.

Remember, when we learn that someone is facing difficulties or danger, we all are at risk. It is better to help and encourage one another and don‘t leave anyone alone with his problems. 

Question (True or False)
1.       John live alone                                                                                                  (T / F)
2.       There are many mice lived at the farm                                                                (T / F)
3.       The contents of the package is a mousetrap                                                        (T / F)
4.       Mouse were not disturbed by the presence of mousetrap                                      (T / F)
5.       The chicken was disturbed by the presence of mousetrap                                     (T / F)
6.       Mouse do not tell the cow and pig on a mousetrap                                               (T / F)
7.       Snake caught in a mousetrap                                                                             (T / F)
8.       At the end of chicken, pig , and cow coo by John                                          (T / F)
9.       Molly died in the end                                                                                        (T / F)

10.   Mouse died in the end                                                                                       (T / F)

Source :

Father Son Conversation
Once day, father was doing some work and his son came and asked, “Daddy, may I ask you a question?” Father said, “Yeah sure, what it is?” So his son asked, “Dad, how much do you make an hour?” Father got bit upset and said, “That’s none of your business. Why do you ask such a thing?” Son said, “I just want to know. Please tell me, how much do you make an hour?” So, father told him that “I make Rs. 500 per hour.”
“Oh”, the little boy replied, with his head down. Looking up, he said, “Dad, may I please borrow Rs. 300?” The father furiously said, “if the only reason you asked about my pay is so that you can borrow some money to buy a silly toy or other nonsense, then march yourself to your room and go to bed. Think why you are being so selfish. I work hard every day and do not like this childish behavior.”
The little boy quietly went to his room and shut the door. The man sat down and started to get even angrier about the little boy’s questions. How dare he ask such questions only to get some money? After about an hour or so, the man had calmed down, and started to think, “May be there was something he really needed to buy with that Rs. 300 and he really didn’t ask for money very often!” The man went to the door of little boy’s room and opened the door. “Are you a sleep, son?” He asked. “No daddy, I’m awake,” replied the boy. “I’ve been thinking, maybe I was too hard on you earlier”, said the man. “It’s been a long day and I took out my aggravation on you, Here’s the Rs.300 you asked for”.

The little boy sat straight up, smiling “oh thank you dad!” He yelled. Then, reaching under his pillow he pulled some crippled up notes. The man, seeing that the boy already had money, started to get angry again. The little boy slowly counted out his money, then looked up at his father. Why do you want money if you already had some?” the father grumbled. “Because I didn’t have enough, but now I do,” the little boy replied. “Daddy I have Rs. 500 now. Can I buy an hour of your time? Please come home early tomorrow. I would like to have dinner with you”. Father was dumbstruck.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Gerund + Infinitives


1. I fear losing my family.
2. When I finish typing this, I’ll come to your house.
3.  I gave up explaining my reason to them. 
4. I often go playing
5. Breathing is necessary.
6. Driving a motorcycle requires good vision and reflect.
7. Helping friends feels good.
8. I look forward to meeting with you.
9. I am interested in learning math.
10. He is responsible for implementing new rules.


1. He offered to buy a new laptop
2. I'd love to get the lottery
3. I choose to make my own PC
4. He agreed to help that people
5. I want to come to your party
6. She promised not to be late
7. He hopes to pass the exam
8. I plan to buy a new house next year
9. He claimed to be the best
10. He deserves to get the prize

Next Leader

My name Muhammad Raditya Dwiprasta, in this forum I will convey my aspiration maybe you can make reference to pick me in the selection of this community organization leaders. As we all know this has been a long standing organization, but we have not given too see results this organization to the general public. If I am elected as the leader of this organization, I will immediately create a real work of this organization. Real work like what we need? Real work is directly visible impact on society. For example, as we know people around here really need the name of capital, so we will come to the people with the capital so that people can come forward with the development of the organization. Maybe in the selection of this I do not want a lot of talk, but if I am elected I will be a lot to prove. A good leader is not a leader who ordered his subordinates to be the best but invite subordinates to be the best.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Earth Split in Africa

This amazing phenomenon occurred in 2005 in the Afar desert in Ethiopia, Africa. Where some people live to witness the parting of land that separates the African continent and the formation of new ocean that Ayello Degree and his team, Addis Ababa University. They immediately set foot there were surprised when suddenly the ground split in the African desert and go quickly. They soon realized, that they have become a living witness for the first time in human history to witness the early stages of the birth of an ocean. Strange natural phenomenon when it looked at the cracks that occur in an area that stretches 900 kilometers along widened and have reached over 8 meters wide in 10 days. If referring to a common shift, normally takes about 230 years for the crack to reach a size of 8 meters wide. Not only that, a few months after popping out hundreds of other gap that separates the desert base. In addition, at the same time, other scientists found that the magma in the earths core height increases closer to the soil surface. The magma that will later form a basal and that will be the bottom of the ocean. After that the water of the Red Sea will meet earlier terturun land and oceans will be dividing the African continent. Just info, which cut the Afar triangle of Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Djibouti is the biggest crack in the earth which is underneath the plates of Africa and Arabia which it is now getting away with a speed of 1-2 cm per year.

 Source :

Wednesday, January 15, 2014


This holiday is not too many things I do. In the first week of the holiday, my family and I went to Sukabumi . We chose Sukabumi because my mother worked in Sukabumi and has a house there. There is not too much that I do, I only play games on the laptop and gadgets. The only place we visited was a place to eat called “Rumah Makan Sunda Ibu Cucu " , there is provided a few menus and we just took it . After a few days in Sukabumi , me and my family back home to Bandung .

Has entered the second week of holidays, my mother took a vacation back to Sukabumi . Instead of bored at home I chose to come back to Sukabumi , but remained unchanged in there I just sit at home and at any time I am just going to go out to find food . But in the second week of our vacation only briefly in Sukabumi because my family prefers to celebrate the new year in Bandung. The holidays are almost finished, that's when I start Gamtek tasks that will be collected in the first week of school.

The game that i played

So that's my holiday...


   1  If I have a pencil, I’ll give it to my friend
If I had a pencil, I’d give it to my friend
If I had had a pencil, I’d have given it to my friend

   2.  I’ll be happy, if I can play PS 4
I’d be happy, if I could play PS 4
I’d have been happy, if I could have played PS 4

   3. If  I have Rp. 10.000.000, I’ll buy PS 4
If  I had Rp. 10.000.000, I’d buy PS 4
If  I had had Rp. 10.000.000, I’d have bought PS 4

   4. You will become a great player if you train harder
 You would become a great player if you trained harder
 You would have become a great player if you had trained harder

   5. If I have a book, I’ll read it
 If I had a book, I’d read it
 If I had had a book, I’d have read it

   6. If I study hard, I’ll get a good score
 If I studied hard, I’d get a good score
 If I had studied hard, I’d have got a good score

   7. I’ll drink some water if I feel thirsty
I’d drink some water if I felt thirsty
I’d have drunk some water if I have felt thirsty

   8. I’ll work harder if I have a job
I’d work harder if I had a job
I’d have worked harder if I had had a job

   9. If I can go around the world, I’ll do it
If I could go around the world, I’d do it
If I could have gone around the world, I’d have done it

  10. If I have a new PC, I’ll play game everyday
If I had a new PC, I’d play game everyday
If I had had a new PC, I’d have played game everyday