Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Art : Collective Painting

HI, now i will share my group collective painting and my friends group of collective painting

The first picture is my friends group with member Adriand Nata Kusumah, Faisal Rahman, Ihsan Hafiyyan, Muhammad Ilyas Arradya, Muhammad Nur Fathurrahman, and Reza Fasya

The second picture is my group with member Dzikry Lazuardy, Muhammad Imam Nasrullah, Muhammad Raditya Dwiprasta, Mahdiar Naufal, Syifaulqulub AN, and Naufal Purnama Hadi.

We are made this collective painting because we have task by Art Teacher Mr. Taman, and i think we did it great, the result is not bad and it nearly to perfect. hehehe~

The first picture is about Season there are Spring, Summer, Winter, and Auntumn. that pretty cool
The Second picture is abstract modern the tittle is 'Nuansa pelangi'

Ok now i will descibe about the paint:

1. The first paint with tittle 'Spring, Summer, Auntumn, and Winter' tell about tree which can stay alive in 4 seasons, and it mean survive and not give up face any problem. When they presentation the paint they said the paint has some season which disposition that mean now season can't predicted.

2.  The second paint my group paint, 'Nuansa Pelangi' abstract paint with some black line. everybody have own describe about that paint, my friend said that tell about fun. but in my mind is it about live. live has many colors, and it will be bright or it will be dark, and the paint tell about some people who trapped in black circle. black circle i think is bad habit.

Maybe just that which i know about the paints. if you deign can you rate, and give us comment. Thank You

National Exam


National exams just finished, both elementary school, junior high school, and senior high school. national exam is a way for students to be able to graduate from school. but in the implementation of the national exams, there are still a lot of 'failure'.

Lack of preparation is one of the fatal mistakes made ​​by the government. Government should be responsible for failures that occurred during the last National Examination. Failure that occurs as a matter of delay in delivery can have an impact on student mental in the face of national exams, answer sheets of paper thin, and there is misunderstanding about the package in some areas.

In the implementation of national examinations suppose there are some irregularities irregularities by students at national examinations. deviations among other students using the answer key is not necessarily the truth. Other irregularities were students who had been told to not use the phone while the national exam even use it as a national exam.


actually but I know what the intent of the government to carry out the national exams,. national exam objectives are to measure student ability or achievement for several years he studied. and national exams can also train students to face with the problems in life.

So, national test intends to measure the achievement of students but there are still some mistakes and irregularities should be corrected.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

School Environment

Now I'll tell you about the state of my school environment

The first is a classroom environment, classroom environment I think is pretty good because every class is arranged in a neat and each class already has a fairly clean environment

The second I will tell you about the environment in school gardens, school gardens are quite beautiful in my opinion coupled with two fish ponds add to the beauty of the park. but unfortunately the pool is not cleaned so it looks a bit dirty

A third of the existing facilities in the school environment, the existing facilities within the school is sufficient to make the school environment remains clean example available in every trash can outside the classroom or around the students bought food or drink

the last is the condition of the toilet, to the men's room pretty good condition but unfortunately there is no soap to wash your hands there. and for existing ablution place around the mosque is rarely used because the water is rarely available, making the students have to walk down for ablution

The canteen is good too~~